Angerousminds Net Comments The_not_so_ancient_art_of_erotic_origami

Dali and the Cocky Prince
I'm currently in the middle of this drama and I'm enjoying this one so much! It's exactly what I need right now.
So this past week I've been in this mood where everything I pick up is just not grabbing my attention. Even if it's a book I know I'll enjoy, I just can't seem to focus. Usually I keep trying until I find something that does, or I just ride it out until I'm back in the reading mood. So this is a very short and simple TBR. And who knows if I'll even get to it!
I've put two books on my TBR list for this month, and considering this weird reading mood that I'm in, we'll see how it goes.

Would you rather walk through a graveyard at midnight or spend a night in a spooky abandoned old house?
Walk through a graveyard!
Would you rather dunk for apples or carve a jack-lantern?
Carve a jack-o-lantern!
Would you rather meet a vampire or meet a werewolf?
Would you rather get a surprise visit from Frankenstein's monster or a surprise visit from The Headless Horseman?
Do I have to pick one? Maybe…Oh who knows!
Would you rather spend Halloween night at a haunted house or spend the night at a cemetery?
Probably at a cemetery…as long as I'm not alone!
Would you rather go trick or treating or stay home and watch a scary movie?
Stay at home and watch a scary movie for me!
Would you rather be a ghost or a zombie?
Would you rather go to a real haunted house or watch a horror movie marathon?
Horror movie marathon!
Would you rather have a Halloween party or a Christmas party?
Oh definitely Christmas!
Would you rather go trick or treating with a group of friends or with a group of family members?
Either would be a fun time!
Found these random questions here…
For more funny and interesting Would You Rather questions, visit
Another readathon over. As always, I had a lot of fun participating in this one!
This time, it was a very laid back readathon for me.
I started with everyone's an aliebn when ur an aliebn too by Jomny Sun. It was a fun and definitely thought provoking read.
I then picked up The Gentleman's Guide to Getting Lucky by Mackenzi Lee. This is a novella set inbetween books one and two of the Montague Siblings series. I had the absolute best time reading this story! I found myself laughing so much!
Lastly, I started Final Girls by Riley Sager. I got about 30 pages into this one before I called it a night. I'm definitely intrigued by this story so far, but I think I'm going to wait to continue until I can get the audiobook for this. I think the audiobook may be the way to go for this! (Currently on hold at the library)
And that's it! Did you participate in this readathon? What did you read?

It's time to participate in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon! This starts October 23rd at 8am EST time. You can click here to find your time! I always have a fun time with this readathon, and as always my goal is just to read as much as I can!
I don't have a set TBR! I have some options, and when the readathon starts I'll figure out what I'll read!
Some options are:
- Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too
- The Lost Hero
- Final Girls
- Heartstopper Vol 1(Reread)

The Anthropocene Reviewed is John Green's recent book. It's a nonfiction novel, which is not what I normally read, but I do enjoy his novels and have heard really good things about this one. I figured why not give it a shot. I'm almost finished with this one, and am happy to say that I am liking it!

I'm also reading The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue and am enjoying this story SO MUCH! At this moment, I'm absolutely loving it and can't wait to see where it goes!
What are you reading at the moment?

Lets talk about Wicked Fox and Vicious Spirits by Kat Cho! SPOILERS BELOW!
Wicked Fox follows MiYoung and Jihoon. MiYoung is a Guhimo(a nine tale fox) who, in order to survive, must consume the gi(energy) of men. She comes across Jihoon(a human), who is being attacked and she jumps in to save him. While saving him, she ends up losing her fox bead and from there a whole bunch of crazy follows.
In Vicious Spirits our characters are dealing with the aftermath of Wicked Fox. With MiYoungs bead gone, a new problem has occurred. A tear has appeared in the Between and ghosts are starting to roam around in the mortal world causing people to go mad. They have to fix the problem, while also dealing with why MiYoung doesn't seem to be getting better.

With Wicked Fox I found myself enjoying the plot, but at times found myself a bit bored. With Vicious Spirits I found myself just a bit more invested in the plot line.
Wicked Fox was a really fun and addicting read. I was invested in both MiYoung and Jihoon as characters and getting to know them. This book also had in-between parts where we got to see the backstory of the Guhimo and MiYenas(MiYoung mother) story as well.
There were two "big" plot twists, one I saw coming and one I didn't(but if I'm being honest, I should have). Nara betraying MiYoung was the one I definitely saw coming. I knew that was going to happen, so I was not surprised at all, but it also didn't take away enjoyment from the story for me. What I didn't expect was for the detective to be MiYoungs father. I should've realized it though(I mean why else would he just all of a sudden show up and get close to Jihoon).
I really liked Junu's character in this book, and was thoroughly surprised when I found out that we would be following his perspective in the sequel. I thought we'd be following MiYoung and Jihoon again. To be honest, I didn't care all that much for Somin in Wicked Fox. I mean I didn't dislike her by any means, but I also didn't really feel any sort of special way towards her. But I can definitely say that that has changed in Vicious Spirits.

Vicious Spirits follows Junu, a dokkeabai, Somin, and MiYoung. Honestly, I didn't care much about following MiYoung perspective in this story. Don't get me wrong, I like her and yes, she was important to the story(very important) but I found myself being way more interested in reading from Somin and Junus perspective.
Somin is literally one of the best friends that you can ask for. She will literally do anything for the people that she loves even at the risk of hurting herself(which, admittedly, can be a problem)
Junu became such an amazing character. I absolutely loved reading from his perspective. But when I say I got so annoyed with Somin, MiYoung, and Jihoon for always treating Junu like he was this horrible person, I mean I was so annoyed! Yes, they do have some reason, but damn give him the benefit of the doubt will you! Oh, and I want to quickly add in that we also got in-between stories of the dokkeabai.

I loved seeing Somin and Junu work together and develop a relationship! Kat Cho definitely took you on a ride with these two. I found myself being so invested in how it would all play out. The ending of this book was so intense and all the characters went through hell! Speaking of characters, we also got to meet a couple new ones. One of them is Hyuk, whom is a reaper that I was very intrigued by. I don't believe Kat Cho is writing another book in this series, but if she ever did, I would love to read his story!
Overall this was a fun and very addicting series and while reading both of these books, I could absolutely imagine this playing out as a KDRAMA! Which I would LOVE to watch!
I've been a reader for a pretty long time now, and as you would expect over the years we change. So I thought I would share some ways in how I've changed as a reader.
1. I don't want to own a lot of books.

Years ago, I wanted to buy all the books. I wanted to own a library and have shelves upon shelves of books. As I got older, that has definitely changed. Now instead of buying books, majority of the time I try to get them from the library or on my kindle first to see how I feel. If I love them, I will buy my own copy for my shelf. Now I don't want to own shelves of unread books anymore. It's a better feeling to me to have shelves of books that I have read and loved.
2. I LOVE ebooks.
If you asked me years ago what my preferred way to read books was, it would without a doubt have been physical. However over the past couple of years, I've developed a LOVE for ebooks. Now the majority of books I read are ebooks. It's just much more convenient.
3. Audiobooks have become a thing for me.

Audiobooks were always a no for me. I have nothing against them, but for me I could never focus on the story when I tried listening to an audiobook. I would ALWAYS get distracted and then feel lost. If I'm being honest, it still is like that to this day. That's why I have to follow along with the book if I'm listening to a audiobook. But recently I found myself listening to more audiobooks, and really enjoying them. Some books are just better as audio, and it can really make you fall in love with a story!
4. Open to reading more genres!
In my teen years I only read what I was comfortable with and what I knew I would enjoy. It was very easy for me to miss out on books that could be AMAZING, just because it wasn't what I "normally" read. As I got older that has definitely changed! Now I read whatever sounds interesting to me, and if I like it, great. If I don't…oh well. At least I gave it a chance! I've discovered so many amazing stories, that I probably would have missed out on.
How have you changed as a reader over the years?

Angerousminds Net Comments The_not_so_ancient_art_of_erotic_origami
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