Best Friend Scrapbook Photos to Add

TOP 5 Scrapbook Ideas I LOVE!

If you've taken thousands of photos over the years then it might be a good time to start turning them into beautiful scrapbook pages.

In this guide, I want to show you the top 5 pages I love to create, plus a few bonus creative ideas!

I hope these scrapbook ideas design will show you some new scrapbook trends and give you some memory scrapbooking ideas.

scrapbook ideas

Building Themed DIY Scrapbook Pages

If you've got boxes of pictures and photos, grouping them together is a good way to get organized.

Being organized means you've got more mental space to be creative. And for me, this is when the scrapbooking ideas come.

That's why I dedicate a good amount of time to group my photos and creating scrapbooking themes.

An example of this would be to put together all birthday photos.

Each theme should have its own storage. That way when you're ready to dream up some ideas for scrapbook layouts you'll know exactly where your pictures are.

Once you've grouped your pictures by theme, it's time to create - let's start off with my favorite scrapbook layout - the baby scrapbook pages!

1. Baby Pages Scrapbook Ideas

pregnancy scrapbook ideas

Baby scrapbooking pages are popular, but don't forget, there's a 9 month journey that babies goes on before they're born.

Pregnancy layouts are a wonderful way to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a baby.

Amongst all the medical appointments, there's lots of things to journal about - think food cravings, the feelings of being pregnant, the highs and the lows!

One of my favorite memory scrapbooking ideas is to use some of the ultrasound images to really bring the story to life.

See an example of this below...

baby scrapbook idea ultrasound

A great scrapbooking idea is to use ultrasound photos!

If you're going to do this my advice is not to use the originals though - you would scan the originals and then print off a copy.

One of my favorite ways to adhere ephemera to a page is with washi tape!
You can also store your ephemera on your page in creative ways.

One scrapbook idea is to make beautiful envelopes for them. This helps store them and protect them .

Once the baby is born, you'll have hundreds of photos and memorobilia.

In the scrapbooking world, this is called ephemera.

Ephemera (collectible items of a special event).

So in the case of a new baby, it could be a hospital tag, a hospital admission certificate or even birth certificate. On some of my pages I've even used the first strands of hair.

Using ephemera adds a wonderful 'real world' touch to your scrapbook page.

When you start on your baby scrapbook layout spend some time thinking of the color of your scrapbook paper (sometimes the best scrapbooking ideas come

from thinking about colors).

Don't be afraid to go traditional. Think pink for girls and blue for boys. But my advice is to stick with soft colors. I tend to steer clear from anything too bright or harsh. Little babies have sensitive eyes after all 🤣❤️.

Also -  try using patterned paper. After all, a new addition to the family certainly creates chaos in the house.

That's why I think this patterned paper on this baby scrapbook spread works well.

Those arrows sum up how I felt at the time. Life was moving in a different direction and it was hard to tell at times which!

baby scrapbooking ideas

Use soft colors for baby scrapbook layouts

Here's another  one of my best scrapbooking ideas for a baby layout!

On this page below, I cut out illustrations from an old childrens book and embellished around the black and white photo of my son.

I think the bright colors of the illustrations really work well with the black and white photo (which reminds me a bit of a high definition ultrasound image! 🤣)

baby scrapbook idea

On this DIY scrapbook layout I cut out illusstrations from an old childrens book

2. Holiday Pages Scrapbook Ideas

The best way to prolong any kind of vacation vibes is to create a holiday scrapbook page or even photo album!

Here's some ideas on how to prepare for a memorable vacation page

  • Keep a journal on your travels. Jot down a few thoughts and ideas when you take your photos. I do this on my phone.

  • Make sure to include dates and travel locations - and their correct spelling - as these will come in handy later!

  • Collect ephemera from your trip (ticket stubs, passes, maps, brochures) anything that could go on your page.

  • Don't be afraid to ask others to take a photo of yourself and your family (hey you have to step out from behind the camera sometimes!)

♥ Beach Scrapbook Page Ideas

Since having kids, most of my holidays have been by the beach, and creating beach themed scrapbooking pages with paint is always so much fun!

I love using the palette of blues and greens to really set it off.

Using watercolors on plain white cardstock is a great way to build your own patterned paper. I've done this for my beach layouts (be sure to use lots of blues!). I also put some nautical things like (the anchor and wheel) as embellishments to bring everything together.

Another one of my favorite techniques is to use tissue paper on my pages.

In this example layout below, I used blue and yellow color tissue paper to represent the ocean and sand.

scrapbooking vacation photos

On this scrapbook layout I used blue tissue paper to create the effect of the ocean

Sunsets are my favorite and they look wonderful as minimalist pages! One of my all-time favorite scrapbook ideas is to use monochromatic colors (colors of the same hue) to keep the page simple and the sunset the main feature.

If you're stuck for ideas for your vacation pages you should take a look at our scrapbook sketches.

♥ Vacation or Travel Scrapbook Ideas

Don't be overwhelmed by the number of photos you may have at the end of your holiday.  Travel scrapbook ideas shouldn't be stressful (it's a vacation after all! 😂).

Below is a double page spread I created. Double page scrapbook spreads are great when you want to fit lots of things in.

As you can see on this page I have my plane tickets, passport stamps and 5 photos (some on display, others tucked away in envelopes)

This is a very interactive page, and one that's fun to create!

You could even use washi tape as a cute way to seal your envelope and a ribbon to produce beautiful borders.

 Here are more ideas on how to scrapbook photos and pictures.

scrapbook ideas

Another scrapbooking idea is to use old card stock to create sleeves and envelopes!

Wait! Now That You Know These Amazing Scrapbook Ideas, Then You'll Need To Start Working On Your Layout....Let Me Show You...

♥How to START and FINISH a layout to perfection (so no more pushing things around on a page for hours and hours).

♥How to get your creative juices flowing again so you'll NEVER experience scrappers block again!

♥How to always have the perfect scrapbook layout for every occasion!

3. Couples and Boyfriend Pages Scrapbook Ideas

The romantic in me loves to create couple scrapbooking pages

Here's a few scrapbook ideas to get you started.

Try using black and white photos, they give any page a 'timeless' look and always look great on couples pages.

Black and white also gives you lots of flexibility. You can add lots of additional color with embellishments and backgrounds without anything clashing.

Also what looks really cool with black and white photos is a colorful washi tape border!

Here's an example of using bright colors to set off a really lovely black and white photo style.

scrapbook ideas

Highlighting black and white couple photos with strong accent colors

♥ Wedding Ideas and Design

Choosing the theme of your wedding page is really important in telling your story.

Will you focus on the vows,  leaving the church or the celebration afterwards?

Here are some wedding scrapbook ideas I've recently used on my own pages.

Firstly, try using vintage pages with distressed edges, rustic papers and rustic flowers can produce a beautiful design for more mature couples.

Modern scrapbook paper and a minimalist layout style are lovely for wedding pages.

The bride and groom should take centerstage so I recommend keeping everything else to a minimum. Here's an example of what I did for my own wedding page:

Mini tutorial: Make sure to use good quality scrapbooking supplies when putting together your scrapbook spreads!

wedding scrapbook layout

Keep the bride and groom centre stage with wedding layouts

Another cool idea I've seen is to adhere your wedding invite to your wedding scrapbook pages.

If you have a lot of photos, consider doing a mosaic style layout.

Also consider including your love letters (the bits that aren't too revealing 😂🤣🤣).

Want more amazing scrapbooking ideas? Click here and check out our layout Ideas books!

Although I didn't create one for my wedding, another unique scrapbook ideas is to make a secret envelope that can store all your personal messages.

Here's an easy envelope I made for all the letters I received whilst at university.

Note some of the precious paper scraps I've adhered to the flap and the beautiful embellishments.

You can't quite see it in the photo, but I held the journaling cards together with a few paper clips and a pink ribbon.

scrapbook ideas: secret envelope idea

Journal Scrapbook Idea: A hand made envelope decorated with a variety of stamping effects

4. Family Scrapbook Ideas

If you're like me, trying to organize your family photos into an album, design can be overwhelming.

Here are a few tips you can use to get started:

♥ Create one double page spread for every year that you scrapbook.

♥ Choose some of your favorite photos from the year that tell the stories you want to tell, then journal about each photo.

You can always go back to add in some embellishments later on - just get your photos laid out on a page and your thoughts and memories written down, then it's likely that more ideas will flow!

♥ Here's a quick tutorial with great family scrapbook layout ideas!

♥ And don't forget to scrapbook the older generations or even the generations that have passed on (Great Grandparents often left behind their letters).

Their stories can live on in a beautiful page. After all, this is what it's about: preserving family memories and creating something to give future generations to come.

♥ Finally - here are some scrapbooking on a budget ideas.

scrapbooking ideas for family

Scrapbooking the older generations - their stories can be a wonderful subject matter for a page

Just recently I interviewed my nana about her experiences and wrote them down. I planned to make a scrapbook page about this.

My nanny talked a LOT, but it was fascinating, and to document her experiences was wonderful.

Including original handwritten letters or documents on your scrapbook page is a really beautiful thing to do and really makes a wonderful vintage style.

If you don't want to include the original documents, photocopy them and keep the original extra safe.

scrapbook ideas handwritten letters

5. Scrapping All Other Elements Of Life

Here are a few page scrapbook ideas I really love to make:

♥ Favorite foods - including recipes
♥ Pets
♥ Careers I have had and the places I've worked
♥ Day-to-day experiences
♥ The cars I've driven and the places they've taken me.
♥ Favorite films, artists, writers, poem, artist
♥ Illness and recovery
♥ Christmas! (I'm addicted to the new Christmas patterned paper available each year!)

everyday life scrapbook ideas

Not all layouts need a special's a page of my son standing next to a friends mini car

Unique Scrapbook Ideas

Keeping a list of scrapbooking ideas for different events is important. Having a note-pad of ideas always helps when I don't feel creative!

I love creating spreads that have every element of my everyday experience.

Here's a few examples...

♥  Scrapbook Idea # 1 - Collection scrapbook

Scrapbooks don't always have to be about photos of your loved ones.They can also be a masterpiece showcasing your collections.

From collections of candy wrappers, you've kept from different places across the globe or leaves you've slowly gathered over the years.

Creating a scrapbooking page of your collections is a great way to keep all of those beautiful memories come to life.

Create a scrapbook page that will highlight all the things you love or even the things and places where you want to go or what to do.

♥  Scrapbook Ideas # 2 - Interactive scrapbook ideas

This is one of my favorite things to make. I love making my scrapbooks more interesting.

I put all my efforts into creating DIY projects  (like making your own pouches for hidden journaling) so those who see my scrapbook albums see somethign hand crafted!

I create small tabs on some of my pages. I also design pull-outs to make every page interesting and fun.

Also mini envelopes are a great addition to the page and can be adhered using a small strip of washi tape.

♥  Scrapbook Ideas # 4 -DIY embellishments

Making your own embellishments is fun and absolutely more affordable when scrapbooking. This is one of the things I love to teach scrapbook beginners.

Making your own DIY embellishments is much cheaper and makes each of your pages more special. I have a ton of DIY embellishment ideas or inspiration you may want to try on my scrapbooking blog.

♥ Creative Scrapbook Ideas # 5 - Pocket scrapbooks

As I've mentioned interactive scrapbooks are my thing. Sometimes I create small pockets or envelopes and hide a little bit of remembrance like a small leaf, tiny photos, small trinkets I've received from people related on that page or place I've gone to.

These cute little projects are also known as journal scrapbooks. Because you can write some lovely journaling in there too!

It's a great way for me to also make use of scrap patterned papers that are lying around.

♥  Scrapbook Ideas # 6 -  Geolocated travel scrapbook

When traveling to different places, adding a map is one of my loved scrapbook ideas for creating a full 12x12 scrapbook layout spread.

You can make your own scrapbook printable map and stick it onto the scrapbook page. Then cut your photo to the size of the state of Texas and put it over the state. You can complete the entire map of your country if you do that.

This design doesn't always work especially for different types of maps. You can also try putting a map in the middle of the spread and scatter your photos around.

Make sure you use a baker's twine or yarn to connect your photo to the place you've visited on the map. This is a great inspiration for those who really love to travel!

Visual story telling! I love scrapbook like this! They are a great reminder of where you went and what you did!

baby scrapbook envelope

In this layout I used maps to add a geolocation for this page

♥ Creative Scrapbook Ideas # 7 - Mini scrapbook inspirations

Some people don't like to put together massive 12x12 scrapbook photo albums, if you're one of them try creating a smaller version of your scrapbook!

Miniature scrapbooks are fun and you can create an entire DIY scrapbook with simple things you have lying around the house.

From cut-out cardboard boxes turned into beautiful pages using stickers, craft paper, and memorable photos!

Note: Having the perfect title for your scrapbook is as important as having the right layout and embellishment for your scrapbook page. Check out our book full of amazing scrapbook page titles and have access to thousands of page titles for you to choose from.

♥  Scrapbook Ideas # 9 - Bucket list scrapbook

For the most part, scrapbooking is about capturing a memory and putting it into a beautiful scrapbook page.

So why not get creative and start designing your own bucket list scrapbook.

Create templates and layouts ahead of time and fill in those spaces as you go along and fulfill your dreams like going to a certain place in another country, trying a certain exotic food from the nearby town, or doing something for the first time!

Scrapbooking allows you to bring out the art and inspiration from within you.

Find unique ways to keep your memories alive whether you're learning how to scrapbook or have been scrapping for years, explore the rest of our site for more amazing scrapbooking ideas and inspiration!

Best Friend Scrapbook Photos to Add


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